Posts tagged What Journalists Want
What Journalists Do and Don't Want...

It's been a while since I sat in a newsroom of any description. It's not that I don't still write and submit articles, I do that all the time - it's just that since I moved across into PR - I've been able to be more creative in telling the stories of those brands and entrepreneurs that I work with.

So on Friday, I thought it would be a good idea to go along to a workshop to find out the current do's and don'ts in the Journalistic world.

And it turns out, they're much the same as they always were - but with one or two additions.

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It's All About Relationships...

Do you remember the moment when you first met your best friend/friends?

I know I do - I'm lucky enough to have a few incredibly special ladies in my life who I would class as all being the best.

So why am I telling you this?

Well, when it comes to PR it's all about relationship building and getting to know Journalists and freelancers and bloggers. Because the more you get to know them, the more likely they are to want to pitch you in to their Editor or to help you by writing your story.

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What Journalists Are Looking For And How You Can Help Them...

Journalists get inundated with emails - some of them receive up to 800 a day, so if you really want to stand out from everyone else you need to think what would make them stop scrolling and click on yours. A catchy subject line is always a great starting point.

Then, instead of waffling about who you are and what you do - try and think about what they’re looking for. When I trained as a Journalist we were always told to write a story with the key components of Who, What, When, Why and to offer How further down if it was relevant.

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