Posts tagged PR practitioner
How To Turn a Disaster Into Something Special...

​Running your own business can be a real rollercoaster ride. One minute things are going swimmingly, and the next you're served a curve ball, that if you let it, can really set you back.

Take my first ever PR stunt for instance. There I was, six weeks into my new job at a creative PR agency, on a train to Blackpool. The idea was to have a large-scale sand drawing of a Monsters Inc. character on the beach with the infamous tower in the background. I'd spent 13 years working as a Journalist, so had no clue how to make everything piece together. You could say I was well and truly out of my depth….

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I wrote a book but was scared to PR myself...

I remember standing in my kitchen looking out of the window. It was October 2016 and I had butterflies. In short, I was scared.

I'd made the decision to self-publish my first children's picture book and I felt clueless about how to let people know what I'd created.

All of those 'what if' questions were whirling around my head. What if no one liked it, what if it didn't sell, but more importantly what if I couldn't find a publicist to help me with PR?

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To Press Release or Not - That Is The Question...

As a small business owner if you’re looking to leverage awareness around what you do - should you write and distribute a press release? My answer to this would be probably not.

A press release by its very nature is to announce news and unless you have a book coming out, or have won an award or something similar, it’s best to keep approaching Journalists separately with potential feature ideas.

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